“Spring Auction 2” named auction, can be watched starting from 20:00. In the organization, our different time period belonged and trended artcrafts will be waiting their bidders from some of the private and corporate collections with “zero starting prices”.
For the 70 living artist paintings, the Manager of Machka Auction Ahmet Utlu is saying that “We are trying to find the actual prices for the modern Turkish paintings.” In the catalogue for the “Spring Auction 2” it is also mentioned that the first upraised non-value auction is being reminded to customers and the below description is added for their attention: “For the last auction that we held in 12 March 2006 the part that is dedicated to “Modern Turkish Paintings” were out for sale without a base price. This was only for one reason: The prevent Galleries, Artists and Auctioneers frictions against each other. And letting the last decision for the “living artist” painting prices to collectors and artlovers. Our sentence replied back with the artlovers who buyed 70 of all the paintings in the previous auction. And today, with the courage that we have with this support, we are presenting our living artists’ paintings one more time from the prices that you will decide.”
In the auction also some of the artists works - who are passed away- will be waiting for their bidders with the “zero starting price”
In the auction some of the famous artists names are: Abidin Dino, Avni Arbas, Aliye Berger, Ayetullah Sumer, Cevat Dereli, Cihat Burak, Devrim Erbil, Edip Hakki, Erol Akyavas, Ergin Inan, Mustafa Plevneli, Nes’e Erdok, Nuri Abac, Nuri Iyem, Nejad Devrim, Omer Uluc, Peyami Gurel, Sukriye Dikmen, Seref Akdik, Utku Varlik ve Zuhtu Muridoglu.
The artworks in the auction that artlovers will deteremine the prices are; Burhan Uygur’s “Portrait”, Fahrelnisa Zeid’s “20th Century Goddess Happiness Country Portait”, Ferit Edgu’s “Enthusiasm”, Koray Aris’s “Sculpture Horse Head”, Nes’e Erdok’s “Portrait”, Peyami Gurel’s one artwork and Su Yucel’s “Interior”
In the auction also some of the starting prices are as follows; Kuzgun Acar’s “Wooden Sculputure and Motive” and “Bronze Sculpture and Motive” 6050 USD each, Zuhtu Muridoglu’s “Ballerina” 5300 USD, İlhan Koman’s “Sculpture to Bronze”i 3800 USD, Abidin Dino’s “Antibes” 3000 USD, Avni Arbas’ “Hamal - Carrier” 1500 USD.
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Rather wares article, extravagantly written and quite brainstorm out.
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